In solidarity with the Bangladesh Students' Union (BSU)

Date - 14 March 2024

All Burma Federation of Student Unions (ABFSU) stands in firm solidarity with BSU comrades and is concerned about this act of unfair yearlong expulsion of student leaders Amartya Roy (President) and Riddha Anindya Ganguly (General Secretary) of BSU, for which they wrote "freedom from rape and tyranny" as graffiti on the wall for the demand for justice in a rape case that happened inside a Jahangirnagar University(JU) campus. Such year-long expulsion of student leaders, as well as the inimical act of unfair resolve in the sexual violence case by the JU administration, implicate the fact of student rights protection, which ABFSU has its main objectives on. ABFSU strongly denounces this repulsive action by the JU administration as well as the behavior that the JU administration exhibited in response to this incident. ABFSU stands and promotes the support of BSU comrades and urges the JU administration to revoke the expulsion of student leaders immediately and seek a justifiable solution to the rape incident.

Free all political prisoners!
Activism is not a crime!
Justice and support for women!

Central Organizing Committee
All Burma Federation of Student Unions